![WATCH: Unlocking Potential: Design as a Catalyst for Engineering Scholarship](/article/aab410b3e7dd4b2d9f0615620015796d1737079950.jpg)
The Design Society has launched a series of online talks to encourage women to explore opportunities in engineering and foster diversity and equality. Our next talk is by Carolyn Conner Seepersad and can be watched LIVE on 26 February 2025.
![SSEDR'25 - Summer School on Engineering Design Research](/article/9b11c63aae046d7ec4769006143a19681736727934.jpg)
The Summer School on Engineering Design Research is aimed at PhD students/candidates who are working on topics related to Design Science.
![New SIG: Artificial Intelligence X Design](/article/1354cd88668ac40a50827912858b1c8b1733437205.jpg)
The third addition to our SIGs in 2024 is Artificial Intelligence X Design! The AIXD SIG aims to create a collaborative forum for studying how AI technologies can impact design practices and theory and how we can help design better AI solutions.
![27th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference (DSM 2025)](/article/07bd0b2c66d7a63e9075abb75c894acd1733414852.jpg)
The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM-related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results and tools. (Full Paper submission deadline: 01 May 2025)
![New SIG: Design Justice & Ethics](/article/d96168bbe39c4aa87689666dfb4307db1733403583.jpg)
The second addition to our SIGs in 2024 is Design Justice & Ethics! The DJE SIG explores how design practices intersect with justice and ethics to address systemic inequalities, promote social responsibility, and foster inclusivity.
![DS Awards: Call for Nominations](/article/d8b387ef1428294ef7b9133e181da4771733438622.jpg)
In recognition of the contributions of our members, we’re launching three new awards. These are designed to highlight excellence at different career stages, from emerging researchers to those with a long track record of significant contributions.
![Professor & Chair of the Department of Engineering Management & Systems Engineering (Tenured)](/article/8e416e046110975a35392311e2b9323e1732824136.jpg)
Batten College of Engineering & Technology, Old Dominion University
![Call for Papers: ICED25 (Deadline 11 Dec 2024, Midnight UTC-6)](/article/73d4bbec564214e971e0d1889db1364e1732718696.jpg)
The 25th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED25) will be hosted in Dallas, Texas. This global forum unites the design engineering community to exchange insights, spark ideas, launch design initiatives, and build lasting connections.
![WATCH: Be brave and reinvent yourself! How a positive attitude can help counter the challenges of professional life in engineering](/article/536489ea4c5583bcf3947098398297ee1732286667.jpg)
The Design Society is launching a series of online talks to encourage women to explore opportunities in engineering and foster diversity and equality. Our next talk is by Sabine Muschik and can be watched LIVE on 04 December 2024.
![Design Practice Speaker Series - Andreas Braun & Alexander Gelner](/article/8d642be2f2d19fa8a19f1aad5f0b37f71729696136.jpg)
The Design Practice SIG is pleased to announce this presentation with guest speakers Andreas Braun & Alexander Gelner. AI – Hype or Means for the Support of HV Battery Development?
![Clive L. Dym MUDD Design Workshop XIV](/article/fb6ab8ef51d27acfb7f8b6a473dea28a1729693082.jpg)
![New SIG: Design Research Quality](/article/5940a6e3d7c52432bf64a2a5e8e8258d1733406766.jpg)
The latest addition to our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) is Design Research Quality! The DRQ SIG aims to enhance the quality of design research by celebrating the diversity of perspectives, methodologies, outputs, and impacts within the field.
![WATCH: A woman on the move – a life of experiences in engineering design](/article/68b408f60ca9c72093538f838599a1581727454583.jpg)
The Design Society is launching a series of online talks to encourage women to explore opportunities in engineering and foster diversity and equality. The inaugural talk is by Lucienne Blessing and can be watched LIVE on 06 November 2024.
![DS Guide to: Checking and Renewing Your Membership Status (Deadline: 30 September)](/article/5a5d44f0e44243617447ebb1f5e2091a1726236104.jpg)
This Content is Available for Members Only
![Call for Papers - Asia Design and Innovation Conference (ADIC 2024)](/article/0f5967d9f22eccd17c19371ddc0db65d1728037360.jpg)
Asia Design and Innovation Conference, 5 - 6 December 2024, hosted by the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University in Shanghai, China
![PAD2024 in Hamburg](/article/9f2231ec773fad4383ddb21c172dc8731725016408.jpg)
Retrospective of the 6th International Summer School on Product Architecture Design
![NordDesign Attendees: Get involved with our Nordic Chapter](/article/18945ea302954789708b484a3fda7e071723478896.jpg)
Find out how to sign up here
![The 1st International Symposium on Design Creativity (ISDC)](/article/394608ce7345d4fd86924be2123bcb1a1722598981.jpg)
The inaugural ISDC symposium is a pioneering initiative of Design Creativity SIG that will foster a vibrant forum dedicated to exploring the boundaries of design creativity. (FREE Registration)
![3rd Canadian Design Workshop (CDW3)](/article/b5844e50042d64909daa81a9ee456cfc1720014129.jpg)
Participants at CDW3 will share ongoing design education research from institutions across Canada, establish a collective research agenda, and sustain continued and increased collaboration to grow Canadian capacity in this area (Apply by 16 Sep 2024)
![Call for Papers: 16th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD2025)](/article/2c168304598580fbd72f725a77a161b61719575519.jpg)
ICAD is the traditional meeting point for the worldwide Axiomatic Design Community, including the Axiomatic Design Research Foundation (ADRF) and the International Association for
Axiomatic Design (IAAD). (submission deadline: 30 September 2024)
![ICED Conference LinkedIn - Follow for updates!](/article/2b39feb035d940df160da2fb4ba0a95d1700667790.jpg)
ICED has a dedicated LinkedIn account. Make sure you follow it for all the latest updates for ICED25 and beyond!
![The 35th Design for X Symposium (DFX 2024)](/article/404cb5acb9dacd3aebdbe456613c84781712591303.jpg)
DfX offers young scientists from the field of product development a platform for presenting new ideas and approaches to their research. (Registration is now OPEN)
![Radical Innovation Design - An open access e-book for DS Members](/article/ec2c14b2d6cf8a1a324b850b6fb72ff61712588619.jpg)
This Content is Available for Members Only
![Design Practice Speaker Series - Artur Krause - Sustainable Manufacturing Machines](/article/c75531c96f3927e9e26ffc1a13bd3d961712227335.jpg)
The Design Practice SIG is pleased to announce this presentation with guest speaker Artur Krause. Opportunities for more sustainable manufacturing machines:
Utilizing field-gathered machine data to support decision-making towards sustainability.
![CALL FOR PAPERS - Design By Data: Cultivating Datasets For Engineering Design](/article/48eb0441fae2163aaeb18cb4f6d5c0ce1709293316.jpg)
Journal of Mechanical Design, Special Issue, "Design by Data: Cultivating Datasets for Engineering Design." Explore the transformative influence of data on engineering design, covering theory, decision-making, optimization, and educational curricula.
![The 21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2024)](/article/9bdac824d39ec80dcddf2b332f0839a31709292010.jpg)
The main Manufacturing Research conference for 38 years, ICMR provides an excellent platform for international researchers, academics, and industrialists to come together to share their vision, knowledge, and experiences. (Registration now open)
![DS Membership Survey 2024 - NOW CLOSED](/article/e825faf5d4bb042c6e9368190c6f840b1708683220.jpg)
This Content is Available for Members Only
![Design Science Journal Thematic Collection](/article/c240984996f650696db4d841421a41b61708368318.jpg)
Designing a better world for all: diversity, equity and inclusion
![Save The Date: 18th Design Theory Paris Workshop 2025](/article/93be9afaab1d91a6b9c4274f88d0142e1707487971.jpg)
We are pleased to announce that the 18th Design Theory Workshop will take place from 03 - 04 February 2025
![Save The Date: 9th SIG Tutorial on Design Theory 2025](/article/031108fa32d9d0efd349cdd56022d78a1707487505.jpg)
We are pleased to announce that the 9th SIG Tutorial on Design Theory will take place from 05 - 07 February 2025.
![SSEDR'24 - Summer School on Engineering Design Research](/article/1282b86bf163ce3038c6609d6b852b621705594078.jpg)
The Summer School on Engineering Design Research is aimed at PhD students/candidates who are working on topics related to Design Science.
![26th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference (DSM 2024)](/article/04694888a125164c177185ba773da1b01705325662.jpg)
The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM-related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results and tools. (Extended Abstract submission deadline: 15 August 2024)
![ICED25 Conference Location and Theme Reveal](/article/54c67e873e293ec5907e8ed69c28d5031701087083.jpg)
Back in the Summer of 2023, the location and theme of ICED25 was unveiled at ICED23 Bordeaux using a unique method - a jigsaw puzzle.
![Survey Invitation: Interactive modelling interfaces for model-based systems engineering](/article/9019ac433bb560ae7f3f3e60d3003cbd1699962871.jpg)
Haobo Wang, a PhD Student at Grenoble Institute of Technology, France, is conducting research on interactive modelling interfaces for model-based systems engineering and invites you to contribute to a 15-minute online survey.
![Creativity and AI](/article/2f4a8dee63b585c43a9c045e01f4add81698933816.jpg)
Please support us by undertaking this short creativity task (15 min); we aim for 600 participants - you do not need a creative background. No personal data will be collected. All our data will be made open access, so help us support design research.
![HSDR 6 - Cambridge Workshop: 11-12 December 2023](/article/7375b40212bda80c0af3d414f0aec3391698851484.jpg)
Upcoming: 6th International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research
![DCC'24: Call for Papers, Posters & Workshops](/article/ef271b2f3cfe8814c179f449dfa05cdf1701087352.jpg)
Eleventh International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'24). Bringing artificial intelligence, cognitive science, neuroscience and computational theories to design research. (Registration is now OPEN)
![PAD2024 - 6th International Summer School on Product Architecture Design](/article/dc365eb602b1b3a3deee097715bfd0721694518530.jpg)
The research collaboration of Prof. Krause, Prof. Otto, Prof. Isaksson and Prof. Moon aims to broaden young researchers' knowledge in product architecture design and modularity and create a platform to interact and discuss (apply by 30 May 2024).
![Call for bids to host ICED27 (now closed)](/article/eef07e56213e74fab26f90d8895b54fb1698410591.jpg)
After announcing that ICED25 will be hosted in Dallas, the Design Society Board of Management is calling for bids to host ICED27.
![Minutes of the General Meeting 2023](/article/935f0205544b10a256b39983d72042f71694012909.jpg)
This Content is Available for Members Only
![NordDesign 2024](/article/67d7b2eec199ab2a9aff76d1ef3d5f831699015202.jpg)
The NordDesign 2024 conference, 12-14 August 2024 - Co-hosted by the University of Iceland and Reykjavík University. (Registration is now OPEN)
![ICED2023 AFRICA-DESIGN Workshop: Towards Mutual Collaboration in Africa and Beyond](/article/86298a69275fdf39d140f5b84fb246c61689920789.jpg)
This workshop will provide a forum for assessing progress to date towards creating an African Chapter of the Design Society, challenges and opportunities, and develop a plan for moving forward.
![25th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference (DSM 2023)](/article/a4220cf9c42ebc38d1dc074138f1536d1689898995.jpg)
The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM-related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results and tools. (Registration is CLOSED)
![Data Informed Design](/article/8966f35d7a1d9e2300a6a589d9b59c331685533117.jpg)
Our newest Special Interest Group (SIG) - Data Informed Design
![ICED Conference LinkedIn - Follow for updates!](/article/ab7101bf02ec89b9e442affd4203a1031683204628.jpg)
ICED now has a dedicated LinkedIn account. Make sure you follow it for all the latest updates.
![18th International Design Conference (DESIGN 2024)](/article/500c22dbec3feb8ba8e51b4ae0990cdd1680095724.jpg)
The DESIGN Conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who have worked on or thought about engineering and industrial design from various perspectives, disciplines, and fields. (paper submissions now closed)
![Retrospective PAD2022 in Gothenburg](/article/f3749d5190b76b601a8511d7f4e5663c1676481999.jpg)
A reflection on the events and success of PAD2022, held last year in Gothenburg.
![ICED23 Conference Planning](/article/08513f8f1d8c7f0d28b301ecac749e211676480032.jpg)
In preparation for the 24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23) in Bordeaux, the Organizing and Program Committee met at ENSAM in Paris from 23-25 January.
![Congratulations to Panos Papalambros](/article/92a15a577505210ac3b2022dff7380001676394938.jpg)
Panos Papalambros has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), citing his “contributions to complex systems optimization and leadership in advancing transformative engineering design research and education.”
![Save The Date: 17th Design Theory Paris Workshop 2024](/article/34f3cdb778f5b857e90a12312e0df7bf1675444614.jpg)
We are pleased to announce that the 17th Design Theory Workshop will take place from the 29 - 30 January 2024.
![Design Society UK Members - Income Tax Relief](/article/e866ab67d4a0479a45fc4625b3e015ee1671379558.jpg)
The Design Society (DS) has been approved by the Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs under Section 344 of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 allowing UK taxpayers to claim tax relief on professional membership fees.
![SSEDR'23 - Summer School on Engineering Design Research](/article/18d8185f13ddcfb8021291e3ec0ab1421673947400.jpg)
The Summer School on Engineering Design Research is aimed at PhD students/candidates who are working on topics related to Design Science. Apply online by 17 March 2023.
![ICED23 International Conference on Engineering Design](/article/d60f88dbaf8db78d73d2b5733902e5c71664028147.jpg)
The 24th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED23, will continue to be a great forum where the design community comes together to share insights, discover new ideas, create new design ventures, and form friendships.