Past events
Save The Date: 9th SIG Tutorial on Design Theory 2025
We are pleased to announce that the 9th SIG Tutorial on Design Theory will take place from 05 - 07 February 2025.
We are pleased to announce that the 9th SIG Tutorial on Design Theory will take place from 05 - 07 February 2025.
We are pleased to announce that the 18th Design Theory Workshop will take place from 03 - 04 February 2025
Participants at CDW3 will share ongoing design education research from institutions across Canada, establish a collective research agenda, and sustain continued and increased collaboration to grow Canadian capacity in this area (Apply by 16 Sep 2024)
Asia Design and Innovation Conference, 5 - 6 December 2024, hosted by the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University in Shanghai, China
The inaugural ISDC symposium is a pioneering initiative of Design Creativity SIG that will foster a vibrant forum dedicated to exploring the boundaries of design creativity. (FREE Registration)
The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM-related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results and tools. (Extended Abstract submission deadline: 15 August 2024)
DfX offers young scientists from the field of product development a platform for presenting new ideas and approaches to their research. (Registration is now OPEN)
The Conference will bring together representatives from education and industry interested in sharing new perspectives on design education.
The main Manufacturing Research conference for 38 years, ICMR provides an excellent platform for international researchers, academics, and industrialists to come together to share their vision, knowledge, and experiences. (Registration now open)
The NordDesign 2024 conference, 12-14 August 2024 - Co-hosted by the University of Iceland and Reykjavík University. (Registration is now OPEN)
Eleventh International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'24). Bringing artificial intelligence, cognitive science, neuroscience and computational theories to design research. (Registration is now OPEN)
The research collaboration of Prof. Krause, Prof. Otto, Prof. Isaksson and Prof. Moon aims to broaden young researchers' knowledge in product architecture design and modularity and create a platform to interact and discuss (apply by 30 May 2024).
The DESIGN Conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who have worked on or thought about engineering and industrial design from various perspectives, disciplines, and fields. (paper submissions now closed)
Hosted in Leicester, UK, IUF2024 aims to enhance our understanding of upcycling in theory and practice in businesses and the consumption domain drawing on different disciplines, sectors and socio-cultural contexts. (Deadline: 31 July 2023)
The Design Practice SIG is pleased to announce this presentation with guest speaker Artur Krause. Opportunities for more sustainable manufacturing machines: Utilizing field-gathered machine data to support decision-making towards sustainability.
We are pleased to announce that the 17th Design Theory Workshop will take place from the 29 - 30 January 2024.
The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM-related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results and tools. (Registration is CLOSED)
DfX offers young scientists from the field of product development a platform for presenting new ideas and approaches to their research. (Abstract Submissions by 26 May 2023)
E&PDE 2023 will bring together representatives from education and industry interested in sharing new perspectives on design education. The conference will provide a forum for educators, practitioners and students. (Submission Deadline: 27 Feb 2023)
The 24th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED23, will continue to be a great forum where the design community comes together to share insights, discover new ideas, create new design ventures, and form friendships.
This workshop will provide a forum for assessing progress to date towards creating an African Chapter of the Design Society, challenges and opportunities, and develop a plan for moving forward.
Information about the Summer School on Tolerance Management at Friedrich-Alexander-University
Clive L. Dym MUDD Design Workshop XIII - Call for Papers - Collaborations in Student Design Experiences: Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional, Community, and Industry Partnerships
The Summer School on Engineering Design Research is aimed at PhD students/candidates who are working on topics related to Design Science. Apply online by 17 March 2023.
We are pleased to announce that the 16th Design Theory Workshop will take place from the 30th January to 31st January 2023.
Part 2 of the Design Process SIG workshop series, will be hosted at IIS Bangalore, India, from January 12-13, 2023.
ICoRD'23 is the ninth in a series of conferences intended to be held every two years in India to bring together the international community from diverse areas of design practice, education and research.
10 - 14 October 2022 at CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. This doctoral school is open to 20 people, in priority from EcoSD network, S-mart network, the Design Society and Université Paris-Saclay, but not only.
The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM-related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results and tools.
The 33rd DfX Symposium will take place on 22nd & 23rd September 2022 in Hamburg.. DFX 2022 offers young scientists a platform for presenting new ideas and approaches for improving product development.
The E&PDE conference will bring together representatives from education and industry who have an interest in sharing new perspectives on design education. The conference will provide a forum for educators, practitioners and students.
DCC'22: Tenth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition. Bringing artificial intelligence, cognitive science, neuroscience and computational theories to design research.
DRS2022 is hosted by the city of Bilbao, in Northwest Spain, in association with the University of the Basque Country (Universidad del País Vasco) and the wider ecosystem of local academic and design institutions.
The Summer School on Engineering Design Research is aimed at PhD students/candidates who are working on topics related to Design Science.
The 17th INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONFERENCE - May 23-26, 2022 - Hotel Croatia, Cavtat, CAVTAT - DUBROVNIK, Croatia
This course aims to give an overview of the current strategies, methods and tools related to the design and implementation of Product-Service Systems in industry, as well as to highlight current and future areas of research in the PSS field.
AFRICA-DESIGN presents it's 3rd BARAZA under the theme 'Considering the Social Impacts of Design'. Hosted by the Brigham Young University Design Exploration Research Group. Taking place online on Wednesday, 20th April 2022.
32nd CIRP DESIGN Conference to be held on the campus of the École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, from March 28th to March 30th, 2022.
International workshop in Valletta, Malta, between the 17th and 18th March 2022.
The Design Theory Workshop: 31st - 1st February 2022 & the Design Theory Tutorial: 2nd - 4th February 2022
The industry of the future : beyond the Anthropocene - 2-4 Feb 2022 Troyes (France)
Milene Goncalves will hold a guest lecture at the Free University of Bozen Bolzano, exploring the manifold relations between the use of data and (design) creativity
Registration is now open for IASDR 2021taking place from the 5th to 9th December 2021, Hong Kong.
The Robust Design SIG would like to invite you to an online seminar series (next seminar on the 28th of October 2021).
11 - 15 October 2021 at CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. This doctoral school is open to 20 people, in priority from EcoSD network, S-mart network, the Design Society and Université Paris-Saclay, but not only.
The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM-related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results and tools.
Online via Zoom and Tutzing, Germany. 27th and 28th September 2021. DFX 2021 offers young scientists a platform for presenting new ideas and approaches for improving product development.
The E&PDE conference will bring together representatives from education and industry who have an interest in sharing new perspectives on design education. The conference will provide a forum for educators, practitioners and students
We invite you all to Gothenburg and participate in the 23rd ICED conference in August 2021.
The symposia of Virtual Environments and Systems (VES) aims to provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the state-of-the-art and cutting-edge research and developments in the enhancement of practice in engineering...
The DfAM SIG, in collaboration with colleagues of TU Delft, will be offering the 2nd edition of the Summer School on Computational Design for Additive Manufacturing (05-16 July 2021).
The theme of the R&D Management Conference is Innovation in an Era of Disruption.
The Summer School on Engineering Design Research is aimed at PhD students/candidates who are working on topics related to Design Science. For the first time, this will be an online event.
The BAD Conference will webcast some of the world’s leading UX Psychologists and Researchers direct to your home, to talk about the implementation of Behavioural Psychology into User Research and Design.
Every year the Board of Management, Advisory Board and SIG and Chapter Leaders of the Design Society meet to discuss the development and administration of the Society and, in a day of scientific discussions.
Save the Date: 27th - 29th January 2021
Save The Date: 25th and 26th January 2021
Bringing artificial intelligence, cognitive science, neuroscience and computational theories to design research. 14-16 December 2020. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. Preceded by Workshops 12-13 December 2020.
Call for papers extended to September 26th 2020. Design Culture Symposium (DCS) is a conference interested in promoting a dialogue between design culture and strategic design.
The DESIGN Conference programme offers broad exchange possibilities to researchers and practitioners, strategic decision makers, managers, design and engineering professionals, national or regional agencies or governmental bodies.
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Health Systems Design SIG taken place as part of DESIGN2020 online.
If you are attending the DESIGN 2020 Online Conference, we would like to invite you to participate in the online workshop on DESIGN FOR GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, October 26th, 14:30-16:00 (Central European Time).
This course aims to give an overview of Product-Service System (PSS), i.e. a production with focus on servitization where value is created through a shift from selling the product to selling total customer solutions.
This doctoral school is open to 20 people in priority from EcoSD network, S-mart network, the Design Society and Université Paris-Saclay, but not only.
The focus is on the knowledge and experience exchange between industry, research and young talents in tolerancing.
Yuri Borgianni, Assistant Professor at the Free University of Bozen (Italy)
Online via Zoom and Erlangen, Germany. 16-17 September 2020. DFX 2020 offers young scientists a platform for presenting new ideas and approaches for improving product development.
The DfAM SIG, in collaboration with colleagues of TU Delft, will be offering a Summer School on “Computational Design for Additive Manufacturing” (1-11 September 2020).
This symposium aims to collate state-of-the-art research and practice on upcycling in the world and identify opportunities for future research and business collaborations.
Update: ICDC has been changed to an online event this year. Visit the website for more. Creativity at the Extremes. ICDC 2020 is an official conference of the Design Society promoted by its Special Interest Group (SIG) on Design Creativity.
The NordDesign conferences serve as a Nordic complement to the larger international conferences in design and product development, but we also wish to welcome participants from all other countries.
The Canadian Design Workshop (CDW) is a biennial workshop modelled after the Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Workshops and in collaboration with the Center for Design Teaching at Harvey Mudd College.
As part of the 2020 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress, there will be a symposium on CubeSat innovation and research.
The objective of this course is to train doctoral students in planning and execution of research methods in the field of design, innovation, and management research.
Design Practice SIG: Our mission is to “Foster interaction between academics and practitioners to capture, understand, develop, improve, support, exchange and share design practice.”
We are pleased to invite all researchers, engineers and students to submit full papers (6 pages) that will be peer-reviewed for acceptance with the essential corrections and proposed for oral presentation.
In this webinar series, you will have the chance to get to know more about some of the research being developed by our Steering Committee. Join us!
This lecture will reveal the foundations upon which the Armadillo Vault, NEST-HiLo, KnitCandela and many other projects by the BRG were based.
Every year the Board of Management, Advisory Board and SIG and Chapter Leaders of the Design Society meet to discuss the development and administration of the Society and, in a day of scientific discussions.
The objectives of this seminar are to explore the current situation within the UK in the education and industrial experiences of Engineers, Product Designers and Computer Scientists in taking a systems approach to disciplinary integration.
The event will offer a unique opportunity to meet some of the leading researchers from the SIG, learn about their research and practical work on data-driven design, artificial intelligence, creativity, design thinking and more...
DTU's next prestigious Ørsted Lecture will be delivered by Professor Steven Eppinger from Management Science and Innovation, MIT Sloan School of Management. All welcome to attend.
Design Practice SIG - Our mission is to “foster interaction between academics and practitioners to capture, understand, develop, improve, support, exchange and share design practice.”
Towards shifted production value stream patterns through inference of data, models, and technology.
NEW DATE! This Doctoral school is open to 20 people in priority from EcoSD network, S-mart network, the Design Society and Université Paris-Saclay, but not only. It is supervised by Professor Bernard Yannou and Assistant Professor François Cluzel.
The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM-related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results and tools.
The annual event provides a platform for young researchers and postgraduates to present and discuss their new approaches in the field of product development and design.
The E&PDE conference will bring together representatives from education and industry who have an interest in sharing new perspectives on design education. The conference will provide a forum for educators, practitioners and students ...
International Conference on Human-Systems Integration. INCOSE International Conference on Human Systems Integration, HSI2019, will be held in Biarritz, France on September 11-13, 2019.
The ICED19 Conference will take place at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. The theme of the conference will be 'Responsible Design for Our Future'. Further information coming soon!
CentraleSupélec are looking for highly motivated, bachelor-level, international students to participate in this exciting summer school in industry 4.0.
Call for Participants to workshop “CRITICAL MAKING: DESIGNING FOR ACTIVISM” (application deadline March 11, 2019)
With the industrial world looking at ways of how to overcome increasing demands on product performance and product individualisation, there is an increasing need to exploit product development to cope with these business challenges.
2nd conference on "Human Behaviour in Design". How can HBiD contribute to a deeper understanding towards designing the interfaces of emerging digital technologies to better suit the user? 23.-24.04.2019 in Tutzing, Germany
This free public lecturer will be presented by Dr Gregory Quinn on the topic of 'blowing your cover: shelters, computation & innovation'.
Every year the Board of Management, Advisory Board and SIG and Chapter Leaders of the Design Society meet to discuss the development and administration of the Society and, in a day of scientific discussions.
DS member discounts on participation! The Product Development Symposium is DTU Mechanical Engineering’s annual forum for industry practice and research in product development-related state-of-the-art results and projections.
This workshop will discuss method eco-systems in companies and their relationship with design methods proposed by academia. 5th-6th November 2018, Engineering Design Centre, Cambridge UK
The E&PDE conference will bring together representatives from education and industry who have an interest in sharing new perspectives on design education. The conference will provide a forum for educators, practitioners and students ...
Welcome to NordDesign 2018. We are pleased to announce that NordDesign 2018 will be hosted in Linköping, Sweden on 14th-17th August 2018. The conference will take place at Linköping University and is organized by the Division of Machine Design.
Held in fanciful Helsinki Finland at the Design Factory at Aalto University, this PhD researcher course will cover the latest research in modularity and product architecture.
The DESIGN Conference programme offers broad exchange possibilities to researchers and practitioners, strategic decision makers, managers, design and engineering professionals, national or regional agencies or governmental bodies.
The International Spring School on Systems Engineering IS3E is a cooperative five day course created for PhD students who want to extend their knowledge of Systems Engineering.
The Design Society's Asia Chapter hosted A-DEWS 2017 in Seoul, Korea in December 2017, with the theme "Business Innovation Design".
As their annual industry sympoisum, The Technical University of Denmark's Section for Engineering Design and Product Development invites to a four-day symposium, with thought-leaders from around the world, on four daily topics.
The annual Design for X Symposium offers young scientists in the field of product development a platform for presenting new ideas and approaches to their research. Industry representatives and professors contribute to the intensive discussion.
The Summer School on Tolerance Management from in Erlangen focuses on the knowledge and experience exchange between industry, research and young talents in tolerancing.
The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM-related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results.
The E&PDE conference brings together representatives from education and industry who have an interest in sharing new perspectives on design education.
The Life Cycle Management conference series is one of the world’s leading forums for environmental, economic and social sustainability.
The forthcoming International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED17, will continue to be a great forum where the design community comes together to share insights, discover new ideas, create new design ventures, and form friendships.
The 9th CIRP IPSS Conference will take place at DTU in Denmark from 19th - 21st June 2017. The theme of the conference is 'Circular Perspectives on PSS'. This conference is run in collaboration with...
Invitation to the 5th International Spring School on Systems Engineering (IS3E), 29 May - 2 June 2017, Enschede, Netherlands
This spring school is open to 20 people from EcoSD network and the Design Society. It is supervised by Pr. Bernard Yannou of CentraleSupélec, administrator of EcoSD and member of the Design Society.
CEDAR, with the support (pending) of the National Science Foundation, will be hosting a two week Summer School that will introduce graduate students to three research methods of case study, protocol analysis, and designer experiments.
Every year the Board of Management, Advisory Board and SIG and Chapter Leaders of the Design Society meet to discuss the development and administration of the Society and, in a day of scientific discu...
With the industrial world looking at ways of how to overcome increasing demands on product performance and product individualisation, there is an increasing need to exploit product development to cope with these business challenges.
Design Practice SIG: Our mission is to “Foster interaction between academics and practitioners to capture, understand, develop, improve, support, exchange and share design practice.”
See a video of Professor Ben Hicks' talk, "Lies, damned lies and Digital Twins"
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