HBiD - 2nd Human Behaviour in Design Conference
Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Castle Street 2 + 4, 82327 Tutzing, Germany
23-24 April 2019
Digitalization will change society, work life, activities, technology use and new business conditions that arise from the possibilities that technology provides. The digital technology allows us to do things in completely different ways than we could have before, and gives us the opportunity to do brand new things. We will be using VR, AI and robotics for designing, planning and performing. At the same time, we have to deal with the physical environment, interact with artefacts and build environments. The technology is in many ways mature regarding VR, AI and robotics, but questions remain on how to use and implement the technology in, for example, small and medium manufacturing industry and health care.
Until the 20th September 2018, contributions will be accepted in the form of an extended abstract.
Further information on the submission and a corresponding format template is to be found on the website: https://www.unibw.de/itpe/hbid
The Special Interest Group Human Behaviour in Design (HBiD) has been formed in order to share information and experience in research and application related to behavioural aspects of designing. The Human Behaviour SIG is starting to investigate new research methods and approaches. The main objective is to strengthen and increase joint research activities within the international community. In recent years methods and techniques, which are developed in behavioural and cognitive science, made an enormous step forward. The SIG HBiD aims to bring researchers together, discuss their research results, share raw data, share experiences about pitfalls and traps, find common interests and challenges with the new research methods and establish collaboration.