Swinburne Design Lecture Series
Blowing your cover: shelters, computation & innovation
Thu. 4th April 2019 at 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm AEDT
Dr Gregory Quinn presents original research on a radical new design for a disaster relief shelter which takes inspiration from traditional Bedouin tents but makes use of advanced technology and pneumatic falsework for its erection (i.e. inflatable cushions). Good disaster relief shelter design is complex and elusive. Gregory's novel design makes significant progress in tackling some of the challenges relating to deployability, comfort and architectural design. To facilitate innovation it is increasingly common and necessary to develop custom computational pipelines rather than depend on existing powerhouse software. Gregory's talk covers these topics and more.
Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre, Level 3, AMDC301
453/469-477 Burwood Rd
Hawthorn, VIC 3122
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