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Query returned 11805 results.

New Generation Computer-Aided Design Tools: Two Related Research Projects Investigating the Future Expectations of Designers

Sener, B.; Vergeest, J. S. M.; Akar, E. // 2002
The aim of this paper is to add to the debate through the findings of two discrete ongoing research projects, carried out in the Netherlands and in England, following these common aims: to explore ...

New Surface Fitting Approach in Reverse Engineering of Sheet Metal Parts

Campana, F.; Gerbino, S.; Renno, F. // 2002
The paper is focused on surface reconstruction techniques, developed to enhance the capability of a measurement system set up for analysing sheet-metal parts.
It presents an alternative technique to ...

Numerical Analyses of Mixed Mode Crack Propagation Using Virtual Crack Extension Method

Zafošnik, B.; Ulbin, M.; Flašker, J. // 2002
Paper presents numerical simulation of crack propagation under mixed mode loading conditions. Widely used criteria for crack propagation angle include the strain energy release rate G, the maximum ...

Numerical Analysis of non Linear Thermosensible Viscoelastic Systems

Vetturi, D.; Magalini, A.; Ramorino, G. // 2002
In this paper will be present a numerical approach to the dynamic analysis of rubber-to-metal devices. These objects, which contain viscoelstic materials, work in extreme conditions by the point of ...

Numerical Approach for Fatigue Initiation Service Life of Mechanical Elements

Šraml, M.; Potrč, I.; Flašker, J. // 2002
The numerical model for analysing damage due to contact fatigue of mechanical elements is presented in this paper. Mechanical behaviour of various machine elements depends upon interacting influences ...

Numerical Computation of Stresses, Strains and Displacements in the Thin Plates in Plastic Range

Pustaic, D. // 2002
An incremental formulation of the basic equations of the finite element method is described in this paper. These basic equations are used in stress and strain analysis in structures in which plastic ...

Numerical Simulation of Micro-Pitting on Gears

Fajdiga, G.; Flašker, J.; Glodež, S. // 2002
A two-dimensional computational model for simulation of surface pitting of mechanical elements subjected to contact loading conditions is presented. In the model it is assumed the initial crack of ...

Numerical Simulation to Study the Influence of the Thickness of Canopy at a Bird Strike

Leski, A.; Baraniecki, R.; Malachowski, J. // 2002
The paper has been intended to present some considerations on how to determine the relationship between thickness of an aircraft canopy and stress tension during a collision with a bird. The finite ...

Office Furniture Design According to a Human Anthropometric Data

Ivelic, Ž.; Grbac, I.; Ljuljka, B.; Tkalec, S. // 2002
If the design of the office furniture does not follow ergonomic principles, and if there is lack of exercises or relaxation during working hours, it is possible that various forms of physical ...

On a Hip Joint Simulator Electric Actuators Integrated Design and Optimization

Pellicciari, M.; Barbanti, G.; Andrisano, A.O. // 2002
The multidisciplinary implications occurred in the integrated design and development of the motorization for a novel multi axis hip joint simulator using 3D parametric CAD system integrated with ...

On Formulas and Methods for Expressing the Attitude of a Rigid Body

Pezzuti, E.; Valentini, P. P. // 2002
In many fields of mechanics there is the need of expressing the attitude of a rigid body. This paper, summarizes and compares different approaches for such purpose. In particular, the following ...

On Knowledge Level Theories and the Knowledge Management of Designing

Smithers, T. // 2002
The design and engineering of new products faces new and difficult challenges due to the globalisation of markets and the rapid development of new technologies. To be competitive, companies must ...

On the Design of a Low-Cost Racing Car Chassis

Chignola, S.; Gadola, M.; Leoni, L.; Resentera, M. // 2002
The paper presents a project under development at the University of Brescia with the co-operation of Metra, a leading company in the field of aluminium extrusion. A racecar chassis has been designed ...

Ontology-Based Modeling of Product Functionality and Use Part 2: Considering Use and Unintended Behavior

van der Vegte, W. F.; Kitamura, Y.; Mizoguchi, R.; Horváth, I. // 2002

Operating Bolt Load Calculation in Joints of Complex Elastic Structures

Zupan, S.; Prebil, I. // 2002
An improved method for the calculation of actual operating force on every bolt in the bolted joint has been developed. It is founded on the usage of so called “elasticity” and “stiffness” matrices of ...

Optimization of Die-Bonding Process Using Orthogonal Array Experiments

Lai, R.-J.; Lin, Y.-C.; Kuo, T.-W.; Chou, S.-Y. // 2002
The chip of power transistor with die back metallization (Ti/Ni/Ag/Au) is bonded on the lead frame (Cu:>=99.96%) using the scrubbing method. The soft solder applied is Sn-Pb alloy. Voids appear in ...

Optimization of Injection Law at Modern Diesel Fuel Supply Systems

Filipovic, I.; Pikula, B. // 2002
The most important element that contributes better atomization of air-fuel mixture, as well as better performing of combustion processes, is an introduction of direct injection of fuel under high ...

Optimum Design of a Formula One Rear Wing Using a Genetic Algorithm

Muzzupappa, M.; Pagnotta, L. // 2002
In the present paper, the possibility of optimizing the stiffness of a F1 lower-rear wing, in a shape which satisfies the aerodynamic requirements, by making use of a genetic algorithm was ...

Overview of the Initiatives on the Development of Designer's Toolkits

Vroom, R. W.; van Haarlem, L. F.; Ootes, F. P. A. // 2002
We investigated the initiatives on the development of designer’s toolkits by a literature search. To categorize the tools for the different design phases we use a design model. Also an historical ...

Part Based Product Upgrade

Žavbi, R. // 2002
A procedure for part based product upgrade is proposed. Part based product upgrade means product improvement as a result of improvements of its parts (i.e. changes in the values of part ...

Participative Laboratories for the Co-Production of Public Space: Redefinition of Social Meaning

Michialino, P.; Cowdroy, R. // 2002
This paper provides an outline of a study of the development of new strategies for an integrated process for the design of public space using participative laboratories. The laboratories involved ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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