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Query returned 11805 results.
Envisioning Design @ Home
Baillie, L.; Benyon, D. R. // 2002
This paper presents A new method which involves users in the home in the design process. It is common to involve users in requirements generation, but rarely in product inception or design. With ...
Erweiterung der bestehenden FMEA-Analyse – Einfluss der Kosten auf die Risikoprioritätszahl
Breiing, A. // 2002
Estimation of the state of a product property based on similarity of its parameters
Hosnedl, S.; Nemec, L. // 2002
Ethics in Industrial Product Design (Good, Goods and Gods)
Özcan, A. C. // 2002
In mythology, semi-god, semi-human Prometheus was a designer and the fire he brought to humans was the design ability, the ability to create good goods like gods. Today he is ashamed to feel ...
Evaluation of Enterprise’s Innovation Activity
Lindemann, U.; Baumberger, Ch.; Fuchs, D.; Jokele, B.; Schumann, F. J. // 2002
Examples of an Expert System in the Estimation of the Quality of Lubricants
Sprecic, Denijal; Sprecic, Elis; Vižintin, Jože; Sluga, Alojz // 2002
By applying expert systems and new systems of automation of the experimental researches based upon experimental methods, it is possible to come by quantitatively and qualitatively significant ...
Exemplary Applications of the Reverse-Engineering Method in the Process of Extending Service Lives of Aircraft in Operation in the Polish Air Forces
Barszcz, P.; Borgon, J.; Leski, A.; Niezgoda, T. // 2002
The paper has been intended to provide several examples to illustrate how the reverse-engineering method is applied to the process of extending service lives of aircraft in operation with the Polish ...
Experiences and results of IPD educationat the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Varga, A.; Bercsey, T. // 2002
Founded on joint research projects carried on with departments of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft, professional preparation of the establishment of the IDE course at the ...
Expert Procedures Implementation in Software Catalogues
Baragetti, S.; Rovida, E. // 2002
The development of expert systems, implemented in software catalogues, was taken into consideration in this paper. The need of simplifying the choice process requires the assessment of simple rules ...
Facilitating Creativity and Shared Understanding in Design Teams
Lauche, K. // 2002
We investigated team interaction arrive at a shared understanding of the task and at fresh, creative ideas in 20 meetings in different types of industry. The patterns are iterative in terms of team ...
Fatigue Damage and New Design of Gantry Crane Equalizer Beam
Krstulovic, A.; Matic, T. // 2002
During regularly inspection of gantry cranes on equalizer beams (part of a crane used to distribute the load to the wheels) a numerous cracks in regions of weldments was observed. Repair by simple ...
Fatigue Failures in Industry - Case Studies
Domazet, Ž.; Piršic, T. // 2002
The paper presents some typical fatigue damages in industry and transport that were investigated by FESB Laboratory for Fatigue: the fatigue cracks and failures in large gear wheel of cement mill, ...
Feature reconstruction for freeform surface design
Song, Y.; Vergeest, J.S.M.; Dumitrescu, R. // 2002
In the conceptual design phase, designers not only require an easy way to construct a freeform surface, but also need to modify it intuitively. In this paper, a feature based freeform surface design ...
Fehlertolerante Gussstückgestaltung
Hartmann, R.; Korovin, V.; Poliakov, S.; Popkov, V. // 2002
Finding Tomorrow Today
Samperi, J.; Hollins, B.; Holdway, R. // 2002
In spite of the importance of a long-term view having been promoted in the literature, very little research has been undertaken to identify which companies are doing it. Even less research has shown ...
Flexible Adaptation of Methods within the Design Process
Lindemann, U. // 2002
The focus of this paper is based on an engineer's view on working methods in design and development. Authors have described basic methods like TOTE, elementary methods like 'compare', ...
Forming a Base for a Manufacturing System Design and Evaluation Method
Karlsson, A. // 2002
In this paper, a base for a manufacturing system design and evaluation method is proposed. The main goal within the project is to create a method that addresses important aspects with manufacturing ...
Four-Bar Linkage Design Using Global Optimization Approach
Krašna, S.; Ciglaric, I.; Prebil, I. // 2002
The paper discusses optimal synthesis of the four-bar mechanism. The general optimization problem is addressed in the form of nonlinear programming problem. The objective of this approach is to ...
Freeform Shape Manipulation Using Context-Dependent Constraints and Parameters
Wiegers, T.; Dumitrescu, R.; Vergeest, J. S. M. // 2002
A method was developed to investigate which shape modification activities are performed during early design. We compared how designers ideally could create shape, to how they do it in practice, when ...
From Business to Buttons
Balic, M.; Berndtsson, J.; Ottersten, I.; Aldman, M. // 2002
This paper describe a practitioner’s tool called Goal Cards. The aim is to bridge the gap between the expected business values when investing in the product and the actual design of the product. ...
From Function to Form Using Physical Reasoning
Žavbi, R.; Hansen, C. T. // 2002
The goal of engineering design is to design a product, which fulfils a required function. The Domain theory and chaining of physical laws (way to synthesise solutions) offer a possibility to propose ...
Gear Pump Design: Optimization for Delivery Increas
Di Francesco, G.; Marini, S. // 2002
Our objective is to build lighter and smaller gear pumps vs. those being currently produced. The need to reduce weight and dimensions is strongly felt also by the manufacturers who want to reduce ...
Grid Generation in Complex Computational Domains with the Use of Subdivision Templates
Kolšek, T.; Duhovnik, J. // 2002
3D Numerical analyses often require volume discretization through the generation of a grid. When discretizing complex geometries, it is important that the grid fits the boundaries well. A subdivision ...
Grundlagen für einen mechatronischen Effektekatalog
Kahler, M.; Schweiger, W. // 2002
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