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Query returned 11805 results.

The Creation of a Knowledge Sharing Culture for Effective Knowledge Management

Hallam, J.; Hodges, B.; Tabeshfar, K.; Velay, X. // 2002
This paper is based on research carried out as part of a workpackage concerned with change management in the 'Experts Enablers in the Machine Engineering Domain (XPERTS)' project. XPERTS ...

The Electronic Control Ignition and Fuel Injection System for Formula Student Racer Engine

Kegl, B.; Pehan, S. // 2002
In this paper some aspects of the Formula S project, team and racing car is briefly presented. Attention is focused on the air and fuel supply of engine. The intake manifold is planed from the ...

The Eraser Pen: A New Interaction Paradigm for Curve Sketching in 3D

De Amicis, R.; Bruno, F.; Stork, A.; Luchi, M. L. // 2002
In this paper we present a new interaction technique for curve sketching in 3D which integrates the two tasks of creating and editing into one paradigm: the 3D-eraser pen. The eraser pen allows ...

The Evaluation of Costs Related to Safety of Mechanical Systems in Design Stages

Fargnoli, M.; Pighini, U. // 2002
Cost is a factor having a great influence on the properties of any Mechanical System, limiting in a significant way designers’ and manufacturers’ choices, who are always limited in their choices. It ...

The Guideline "Design for Upgrading" as a Medium for Sustainable Design

Lindemann, U.; Mörtl, M.; Hessling, T.; Hutterer, P. // 2002
This paper is about the topic to prolong the service life of capital goods - with a special focus to Upgrading. The processes occurring during the generation of a product should be systematically ...

The Impact of CAD Technologies on Engineer's Education

Galeta, T.; Kljajin, M.; Majdandžic, N. // 2002
Main goal in an education of mechanical engineer is to deliver ready master to enterprises, prepared to deal with increased use of computer technologies. One of very basic technology that engineer ...

The Importance of Corporate Culture in Collaborative Product Design

Marxt, C. // 2002
Due to the increasing complexity of technologies and products, the search for new know-how as well as the shortening of development cycle times a lot of companies collaborate in (new) product design. ...

The Influences of Organisation on Leadership in the Design Process: Results of an Investigation in Five Industrial Companies

Lüdcke, R.; Birkhofer, H. // 2002
The concept of leadership is closely bonded with the concept of organization: one defines and influences the other. The consequences and situations in which these problems arise are shown in this ...

The Innovation-Styling Spectrum: Factors Constraining the Design Ambition of UK SMEs

Moultrie, J.; Fraser, P.; Clarkson, P. J. // 2002
This paper describes the development of a framework depicting a spectrum of approaches to managing industrial design. This framework is based on literature and case examples, and four representative ...

The Role of the Designer in the Innovation Process: Experience of a Large Supermarket Chain

Tacla, I.; Divry, C.; Sainz, C.; Magnon, L. // 2002
This paper concerns the design of new checkouts for an SA group of a supermarket chain. The goal of this research was to extend the approach to the general situation of payment and not just to ...

The Significance of Contact Pressure Distribution on the Soft Tissue by Men Sitting

Ergic, T.; Ivandic, Ž.; Kozak, D. // 2002
A lot of investigations today are devoted to make the people life better from the ergonomic point of view. Here the magnitude and distribution of pressure by men sitting is very often the topic of ...

Theoretical Improvement of the Planetary Gear Dynamic Model

Geramitcioski, T.; Trajcevski, Lj. // 2002
The major goal in this work is to improve the planetary gear dynamic model presented in the diseration by Jian Lin presented in the Ohio State University in 2000 . A lumped-parameter model is built ...

Three-Dimensional Modelling of Solid-Fluid Interaction as a Design Tool in Screw Compressors

Kovacevic, Ahmed; Stošic, Nikola; Smith, Ian K. // 2002
In order to reduce internal leakage in screw compressors, efforts are continually being made to produce them with smaller clearances. However, since their rotors deform due to the high pressure loads ...

Tolerance Design of the Journal-Bearing Kinematic Joint. Numerical Analysis of the Effect of the Shape Variations on the Performances

Di Gironimo, G.; Lanzotti, A.; Patalano, S.; Russo, R. // 2002
In this work the authors deal with the problem regarding tolerance design of the journal – bearing kinematic joint, in which hydrodynamic lubrication conditions are realised. In particular, they ...

Towards 'Virtual Clay' Modelling - Challenges and Recommendations: A Brief Summary of the Literature

Sener, B.; Wormald, P.; Campbell, I. // 2002
Over the last decade, the industrial designer's workplace has been changed by CAID tools. The design form could evolve in steps alternating between development with traditional tools and with ...

Towards A Designer Working Culture That Encourages Sleep And Dreaming

Hilton, K. H. // 2002
There is a growing acceptance of a work culture where both superior and peer respect can be gained by working longer hours than contracted to, at work or at home. However, in response to growing ...

Towards a Flexible and Adequate Use of Methods in Product Development

Pulm, U.; Lindemann, U. // 2002
Design methodology has become a major part of research in the field of engineering and offers a large variety of methods in order to establish effective and efficient product development processes. A ...

Towards Context-Sensitive Modeling Tools

Dumitrescu, R.; Vergeest, J. S. M.; Wiegers, T.; Wang, C. // 2002
During the design of industrial products, designers perform multiple switches between different contexts. Their task could be greatly facilitated by assisting them with constraints and/or parameters ...

Trajectory of the Human Body Mass Centre During Walking at Different Speed

Jurcevic Lulic, T.; Muftic, O. // 2002
The body's centre of mass is a key factor in the analysis of human gait, as it reflects the motion of the whole body. The major objectives of this paper were to describe the inter-subject ...

Transparency in Documents and Activities in Product and Process Development at Automotive Suppliers

Vroom, R. W.; Verlinden, J. C. // 2002
The development processes of three companies are analyzed and laid down in three representations. These representations are compared and based on the similarities found in these comparisons a ...

Understanding the Phenomenon of Modularization

Hansen, P. K.; Andreasen, M. M.; Harlou, U.; Gubi, E.; Mortensen, N. H. // 2002
Many companies experience significant problems in coping with modularization and we interpret this as an incomplete and fragmentary understanding of the phenomenon of modularization. The paper ...

Upgrading a CAD System with Expert System

Kaiba, P.; Prebil, I.; Novak, A. // 2002
The article describes an expert system which is fully adapted to computer aided development of products in mechanical engineering and is based upon feature technology. It supplements the features of ...

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