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Query returned 11805 results.

A Review of Product Development Performance Metrics Investigations with Emphasis on the Designer Level

Acosta, C. L. M.; Araújo, C. S.; Trabassos, L. G. // 2002
The study discussed in the paper is a review of the outstanding literature on Product Development (PD) metrics (both theoretical and practical), and also on our own industrial experience on the ...

A Simulated Brain Model for Products' Creative Design

He, W. P.; Cai, H. M.; Zhang, Y. // 2002
Based on cognition psychology, information technology, artificial intelligence, and knowledge mining based on database over Internet, etc. the paper build a simulated brain model to aid creative ...

A Software Tool for Observation and Analysis of Design Activity

Bender, B.; Kammerer, U.; Pietzcker, F.; Blessing, L. T. M.; Hacker, W. // 2002
For identification of successful design strategies we observe individual heuristics of experienced professional designers within a cross sectional laboratory study. To cope with some typical problems ...

A Strategy for Quality Assurance of Computer Based Design Methods

Opiyo, E.Z.; Horváth, I.; Vergeest, J.S.M. // 2002

A Study of the Effects of Different Types of System Architecture on the Development Process

Grante, C.; Bylund, N. // 2002
To minimise development cost and time different system architectures require different development processes, in this paper the impact on early phases is addressed. Three types of system ...

A Study on the Characteristics of Product Color on the Internet - With an Emphasis on the Interaction Between the Expression of Product Color Information and Color

Suk, H.-J.; Kwon, E.-S. // 2002
The internet has offered the breakpoint changes for design research though, some studies have indicated the importance of comprehending customer interactions in prior to adhering to technological ...

A Study on the Design Thinking Process With Difficult Keyword

Nagai, Y.; Noguchi, H. // 2002
We focused on designer's drawing to know how designers made images of design object from given keywords. We thought that difficult keyword would give us good clues to know thinking path of ...

A Study on the Thinking Path Model of Creative Design Process

Noguchi, H.; Nagai, Y. // 2002
In next step of our research, we had another experiment to know designer’s inner process of creative thinking by tracing dynamic relations of designer’s behaviors and drawings using two video ...

A System for Footwear Fitting Analysis

Kos, L.; Duhovnik, J. // 2002
A shoe making industry that can offer shoes that fit consumer needs has a decided advantage over its competitors. Next to fashion requirement, shoe fitness is an important selection criterion. The ...

Aerodynamics Aspects of Formula S Racing Car

Pehan, S.; Kegl, B. // 2002
The new open wheeler racing car is developed. The car are build with a student team afford over a period of one year. The article is focused on the design procedure of front and rear wings. The eight ...

An Analysis of Design Decision-Making in Industrial Practice

Hansen, C. T.; Ahmed, S. // 2002
This paper describes research that confronts a generic decision-making model with design strategies employed by experienced designers. The relationship between the decision-making activities proposed ...

An Approach for a Recycling Oriented Product Design

Hesselbach, J.; Herrmann, C.; Mateika, M. // 2002
This paper focuses on the integrated view of a closed loop economy and economical efficiency. Global trends in legislation based on an extended product responsibility require an environmental ...

An Approach to Verification and Evaluation of Early Conceptual Design Solutions

Derelöv, M. // 2002
In the eartly phases of the design process the evaluation and the following decision-making are based on limited amount of information, nevertheless the decision will determine the direction of the ...

An Ecodesign Method for Product Architecture Definition Based on Optimal Life-Cycle Strategies

Giudice, F.; La Rosa, G.; Risitano, A. // 2002
The design of products with good environmental performance over their entire life-cycle requires the development of models and methodologies which provide as complete a vision of the problem as ...

An Integrated Procedure for the Design of Sustainable Products

Pighini, U.; Fargnoli, M.; Accinni, S. // 2002
The role of Designers is basically important in the development of sustainable MSs: he has both the goal to modify products in order to increase their environmental performance and to make these ...

An Integrated System for Improving Lighting Design Strategy

Chen, S. C.; Shih, S. C.; Chang, T. W. // 2002
Architectural illumination is typically designed at the end rather than the beginning, a design process. Designers use visualization to make relevant suggestions concerning lighting as illumination ...

An Interface Specification for Principle Solutions Supporting the Cross-Domain Design of Mechatronic Systems

Möhringer, S.; Gausemeier, J. // 2002
Starting from the principle solution of a mechatronic system its components are usually worked out in detail decentralised within the envolved engineering domains. With the increasing design progress ...

Analysis of the Tooth Root Stress in High Transverse Contact Ratio Involute Gearing

Lovrin, N.; Križan, B. // 2002
This paper deals with the analysis of the tooth root stress in high transverse contact ratio (HCR) gearing. Based on the realistic load distribution on tooth pairs in mesh, which has been determined ...

Analytical and Numerical Analysis of Non-Symmetrical All Steel Sandwich Panels Under Uniform Pressure Load

Kujala, P.; Klanac, A. // 2002
Steel sandwich panels welded by laser can offer 30-50 % weight savings compared to the conventional steel structures. In the paper, the behaviour of the non – symmetrical all steel sandwich panels ...

Annotation and Knowledge Creation

Boujut, J.-F. // 2002
Annotation is a natural way for adding information to a specific representation. Every designer knows that, and it is the first thing a designer do when he wants to express a point of view or ...

Anwendung des AEM-Verfahrens in der Produktentwicklung

Fejes, E.; Günter, H.; Bercsey, T. // 2002

Application of Damage Model for Numerical Determination of Carrying Capacity of Large Rolling Bearings

Kunc, R.; Prebil, I.; Rodic, T.; Korelc, J. // 2002
An exploitation of large axial bearings includes some load peaks, which cause permanent deformation of rolling contact. The plastic strain of base material under the hardened rolling layer starts to ...

Application of ICDM for the Conceptual Design of a New Product

Hari, A.; Herscovitz, J.; Zonnenshain, A.; Weiss, M. P. // 2002
ICDM is an Integrated, Customer Driven, Conceptual Design Method for the entire conceptual design process. ICDM is briefly presented in this paper and demonstrated with a detailed case study.
The ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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