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Query returned 11805 results.
MA Design Practice & Management: A Real Industry and Academic Collaboration
Evans, Dorothy; Wood, Bruce // 2010
ective to create graduates who could better understand how to exploit their creativity, manage innovation, recognise and assess the credibility of their ideas and know how to implement them. This ...
Ma: The Realm of Mystery in Sugiura Kohei’s ‘Asian Grammar of Design’
Nguyen, Hung Ky // 2010
Since returning from a teaching trip in West Germany in 1967, and from an exploration across the Southern part of Asia, designer Sugiura Kohei has advocated an ‘Asian grammar of design’ as a new ...
Managing Design Change in Configurable Component Based Product Platforms
Wahl, Andreas; Johannesson, Hans // 2010
Many companies use product platforms to achieve economy of scale benefits while they simultaneously offer customized product variants. The strategy to realise this is often to share ready designed ...
Manufacturing Process Driven Tolerance Analysis of Casting Parts
Voss, Ralf; Meerkamm, Harald; Wartzack, Sandro // 2010
Part design, manufacturing process and used materials are strongly interconnected with each other. Especially when coming to tolerance issues, this fact is obvious: Manufacturing processes to create ...
Matrix-Based Change Management: A Case Study in a ConstructionProject
Chen, J.J.; Li, S. // 2010
This research focuses on the matrix-based approach to manage the changes occurred in a construction project. The difficulty of managing the changes in a project can be attributed to the complex ...
MDM as a Process Mapping Tool in Lean Construction
Furtmeier, F.; Graebsch, M.; Elezi, F.; Tommelein, I.D.; Lindemann, U. // 2010
Lean thinking strives for the elimination of waste at any point in a product’s progress from development to production to delivery. Lean construction applies the principles of lean thinking, such as ...
Vielhaber, M.; Bergsjö, D.; Catic, A. // 2010
Over a century, automotive engineering was a mainly mechanical discipline. Mechanical engineering has a much longer history, with methodology research coming up around 150 years ago. Only in recent ...
Merging an Upmarket Car Manufacturer into a Global Player: Effects on Product Properties and Brand Identity
Almefel, Lars; Michaelis, Marcel // 2010
While striving for profitable business, automotive companies adopt product platform strategies. Thus, many different car models are based on common technology, components and even architecture. As a ...
Meta-cognition as a Tool for Finding, Framing, Externalizing and Storytelling
Suwa, Masaki // 2010
A famous learning paradox is that people without experience of designing do not understand teachers’ words about what design is. In order to understand it well, there is no other way than embarking ...
Method for Analyzing Individual Differences in Idea Evaluation and Interpretation
Kobayashi, Masakazu; Higashi, Masatake // 2010
In the previous paper, we focused on individual differences among designers, especially differences in their idea evaluation and interpretation during collaborative creative activities and proposed ...
Methodik zur Auswahl von Fügetechnologien in Multimaterialsystemen
Prüß, H.; Stechert, C.; Vietor, T. // 2010
Konventionelle Leichtbaustrategien wie Geometrieoptimierung und Materialsubstitution werden beim heutigen Stand der Technik bereits in einem hohen Maße ausgereizt, sodass großer Bedarf an neuen ...
Methodische Entwicklung und Optimierung einer Prototypenreihe
Zimmermann, M.; Zapf, J.; Rieg, F. // 2010
Eine mechanische Konstruktion stützt sich neben dem eigentlichen Design der Komponenten auf eine möglichst genaue Simulation der physikalischen Realität. Dadurch ist der Konstrukteur direkt in der ...
Mahut, S.; Eynard, B.; Merlo, C.; Minel, S.; Beaujon, T. // 2010
This paper focuses on the different phases of the implementation of methodological tools. Thus, it aims at characterizing the appropriation process. For that purpose, this work presents three ...
Gu, N.; Gül, L. F.; Williams, A. // 2010
Design education is concerned with learning theory and its applications in the design of artifacts that are essential to our society. 3D virtual worlds have the potential to make a major contribution ...
Modelling Decision and Data Dependencies in Engineer-to-OrderProject Management
Zolghadri, M.; Eckert, C.; Rasoulifar, R. // 2010
Engineer-to-order (ETO) refers to all those product development and manufacturing projects originating from customer requests that cannot be satisfied by company’s standard offer. In this article, we ...
Modelling Risk Interactions to Re-Evaluate Risks in ProjectManagement
Fang, C.; Marle, F.; Vidal, L.-A. // 2010
In order to manage risks in complex project, interactions must be integrated with classical characteristics of risks, and propagation behaviour in risk network needs to be analysed. Design Structure ...
De Lessio, M. P.; Wynn, D. C.; Clarkson, P. J. // 2010
This paper examines the use of modelling to analyse aspects of the planning system to minimise the potential for planning error. Using a dependency structure matrix, the relationships between ...
Modelling the Influence of Uncertainty – Process Architecture andFeedback Dynamics on PD Projects
Le, H.N.; Wynn, D.C., Clarkson, P.J. // 2010
ed in a DSM, and high-level project and management strategies, as represented in the feedback loops of an SD model. Furthermore, a typical source of uncertainty found in many PD projects – ...
Modularisierungsstrategie für Produkte für leistungseingeschränkte Personen
Stöber, C.; Schmidt, J.; Wartzack, S.; Paetzold, K.; Meerkamm, H. // 2010
Um Menschen mit Leistungseinschränkungen optimal zu unterstützen, müssen Produkte so gestaltet werden, dass sie an die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse der Nutzer angepasst werden können. Dabei müssen ...
Modularization of Novel Machines: Motives, Means and Opportunities
Börjesson, Fredrik; Sellgren, Ulf // 2010
Modularization approaches are often used to restructure mature products with known technical content, but not to assist new development of products with a high innovation content or soft interactive ...
MOHE: Mobile Health for Moms, Kids, Adults and Elderly
Arslan, Pelin; Nam, Hyojin; Romero, Maximiliano; Perego, Paolo; Costa, Fiammetta; Andreoni, Giuseppe; Muschiato, Sabrina // 2010
This paper presents a creative process aimed at developing innovative scenarios for mobile health. In detail, within the entire “MOHE” research framework, the paper is focused on a creative workshop ...
Osman, K.; Bojcetic, N.; Marjanovic, D. // 2010
This paper describes the application of two methods, and the proposed framework, with which we want to achieve optimal choice platform products, combining the following methods: Modular Function ...
Multi-Domain DSM: Simultaneous Optimization of Product, Process& People DSMs
Yassine, A.A. // 2010
In this paper, we introduce domain-spanning rules that can be used in the construction of mathematical objective functions in order to optimize DSMs across multiple ...
Aasland, K. E. // 2010
Industry requires ever more of the candidates coming out of design educations in universities. They expect them to be able to perform productively in a development project from day one. This requires ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.
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