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Query returned 11805 results.
Creating a Better World by International Collaboration in Product Innovation Engineering - The PIEp Way
Grimheden, Martin; Berglund, Anders // 2009
This article summarizes efforts undertaken within the Swedish Product Innovation Engineering program (PIEp), in the area of education for product innovation. A key aspect of the program is to create ...
Creating a better world? Can we relate this to students from the post-modern generation?
Dowlen, Chris // 2009
This paper relates the conference theme to a topic that was introduced at the 2001 E&PDE conference and developed at the 2005 ICED conference, and to papers at the 2006 and 2007 E&PDE conferences. It ...
Creating better communities: involving design students in regeneration projects
Schaber, Friedemann // 2009
How can University Design students pursue their studies imaginatively whilst making a real contribution to the community and built environment in an English Midlands town? The paper discusses the ...
Creating Brand-Innovation Synergy: Towards a Practical Method of Using Brands in the New Product Development Process
Keus, Martyn; Smulders, Frido; Roscam Abbing, Erik; Buijs, Jan // 2009
Brands are more than logos that are "stuck on" products after they have been developed. Before new product concepts are envisioned, brands exist - both in the minds of consumers, and in the ...
Creative Environments for Innovative Learning Processes
Eriksson, Yvonne; Jerregård, Helena // 2009
Visual arte facts, such as toys, pictures in schoolbooks and advertisements affect children emotionally, and they are crucial as role model for their identity. Identity and self-confidence is vital ...
Creative Methods for Opportunity Mapping in the Initial Phase of Design
Menon,Gayatri // 2009
As the nature of design problems becomes more complex and multifaceted, it becomes important to understand the problem space/ context to arrive at opportunities for rede ning design briefs and ...
Creativity Theories and Scientific Discovery: A Study of C-K Theory and Infused Design
Shai, Offer; Reich, Yoram; Hatchuel, Armand; Subrahmanian, Eswaran // 2009
Creativity is central to human activity and is a powerful force in personal and organizational success. Approaches to supporting creativity are diverse and numerous. The only way to understand the ...
Cross-Disciplinary Practice in Engineering Contexts
Adams, Robin S. // 2009
Engineering design is inherently cross-disciplinary. Many complex design problems facing society today require cross-disciplinary approaches that integrate diverse perspectives into a collective ...
Cross-educating in design, business and engineering: challenges of coherence and relevance
Koria, Mikko; Karjalainen, Toni-Matti; Salimäki, Markku // 2009
Industry has shown increasing demand for professionals that are able to successfully operate across disciplinary boundaries, and academia has responded to the call by creating models for inter-, ...
Cultural affordance of products: coverage within industrial design education
Razzaghi, Mohammad; Ramirez, Mariano // 2009
Products are regarded as possessing not only physical properties but also subjective qualities such as culturally-based user preferences. To communicate these cultural aspects, products must "afford" ...
Cultural Influences on Design Processes - an Empirical Study
Gautam, Vivek; Blessing, Lucienne // 2009
Product development increasingly involves designers with different cultural backgrounds. This paper describes an investigation into the effects of these different backgrounds on the design process. ...
Customer Perception of Vehicle Dynamics and its Transfer to Technical Characteristics
Hepperle, Clemens; Deubzer, Frank; Wiedemann, Patrick; Lindemann, Udo; Liebl, Johannes; Hallmannsegger, Michael; Hübner, Walter // 2009
Vehicle dynamics are well described by technical parameters in existing literature. But in order to fulfill customer requirements, there is a need to take further perspectives on vehicle dynamics ...
Dealing with Uncertainty in Design Practice: Issues for Designer-Centered Methodology
Daalhuizen, Jaap; Badke-Schaub, Petra; Batill, Stephen Marc // 2009
Design is at the core of successful innovation. While working on innovation projects designers have to deal with the uncertainty associated with complexity, multi-disciplinarity and outcomes that in ...
Decentralized Optimal Design using the Lagrangian Relaxation Approach
Li, Simon // 2009
To minimize the coordination efforts among design teams and expedite the design process via parallel workflow, this paper proposes a framework of decentralized optimal design. The framework consists ...
Decision Support for the Selection of Anti-Counterfeiting Measures Based on Modeling Damage Avoiding Functions
Petermann, Markus Alexander; Meiwald, Thomas; Lindemann, Udo // 2009
Manufacturers are confronted with a rising number of counterfeits and imitations of their original products, causing both financial and brand damages most of them are not willing to accept. There are ...
Decision-Focused Product Development Process Improvements
Eriksson, Joakim; Brannemo, Anette // 2009
Currently, there is little or no methodology or methods available to "process improvers" in product development which focus on decision-making fundamentals in order to improve the ...
Decision-Focused Resource Modeling for Design Decision Support
Liu, Shaofeng; Duffy, Alex H. B.; Whitfield, Robert Ian; Boyle, Iain M.; Wang, Wenjuan; Mohamed, Khaled // 2009
Resource management including resource allocation, levelling, configuration and monitoring has been recognised as critical to design decision making. It has received increasing research interests in ...
Decision-making in Design: A Comparative Study
Almendra,A.Rita; Christiaans,Henri // 2009
This paper presents a comparative study of the design processes of nal-year industrial design students of 2 countries while conducting an individual design task. This task was identical for both ...
Deficiencies in Management of the Concept Development Process: Theory and Practice
Kihlander, Ingrid; Ritzén, Sofia // 2009
Concept development is a key success factor in product development and in theory concept development means that a number of concept solutions are generated and evaluated in an objective way using a ...
Definition of a Knowledge Representation Based on Functional CAD Models
Bluntzer, Jean-Bernard; Gomes, Samuel; Sagot, Jean-Claude // 2009
How to merge the users' requirements into a complete design process has now become a reality. That is so in the automotive industry, from vehicle styling to specific facilities in connection ...
Dependencies Reveal the Evolutionary Steps that Formed the Ribosome
Zhang, B.; Hogue, C. W. V. // 2009
Describing Information Use In Engineering Design Processes Using a Diagrammatic Model
Grebici, Khadidja; Wynn, David C.; Clarkson, P. John // 2009
Methods and tools to support the design process should be based on an understanding of how design work is conducted in practice and how information is used in the design process. Therefore, the ...
Design and Development of Low Cost Rolling Cylinder Rover (Cybot)
Kapur,Pulkit // 2009
Mobile robots are increasingly being used in high risk, rough terrain applications. Researchers are trying to find energy ef cient and low cost means to provide multi terrain mobility. This paper ...
Design and Innovation: Insights from a Consumer's Perspective
Teichert, Thorsten; Donder, Karina; Wagenfuehrer, Daniel // 2009
Design is able to emphasize a unique selling proposition for new products and thus constitutes a success factor for innovations. Yet it is recently incorporated as a major theme in marketing, ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.
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