User centred design for mobility aids
Year: 2012
Editor: Assoc. Prof. Poul Kyvsgaard Hansen, Professor John Rasmussen, Assoc. Prof. Kaj A. Jřrgensen, Assoc. Prof. Christian Tollestrup
Author: Schmidt, Johanna; Illés, Marell; Paetzold, Kristin
Series: NordDESIGN
Institution: 1: Aalborg University, Denmark; 2: Design Society, United Kingdom
ISBN: 978-87-91831-51-5
Products for elderly people are often not very usable. In this paper a case study is described, where users of walkers were asked how satisfied they are with their walking aid and which problems they experience. The outcome of this was not only a better understanding of the users in handling their walkers, but some difficulties in using interviews as method to get requirements could be detected.
Keywords: User centred design, mobility, usability.