Year: 2015
Editor: Christian Weber, Stephan Husung, Gaetano Cascini, Marco CantaMESsa, Dorian Marjanovic, Frederico Rotini
Author: Torry-Smith, Jonas Mørkeberg; Mortensen, Niels Henrik; Ploug, Ole; Achiche, Sofiane
Series: ICED
Institution: 1: Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark; 2: Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; 3: Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada; 4: R&D Manager, Denmark
Section: Product Modularisation, Product Architecture, Systems Engineering, Product Service Systems
Page(s): 247-258
ISBN: 978-1-904670-70-4
ISSN: 2220-4334
Design of mechatronics is greatly challenging due to its multi-disciplinary nature. On one hand companies need to facilitate integration between engineering domains while they on the other hand need to manage dependencies created between the exact same domains as the development process progresses. This paper proposes a way to identify, model and clarify dependencies by use of a Mechatronic Integration Concept . The usefulness of the Mechatronic Integration Concept has been tested in an industrial development project showing positive results of shortening the lead-time, minimizing rework and increasing the performance of the product. The literature review on the topic of dependency modelling in mechatronic products seems to reveal a lack of proposals for how to represent the dependencies graphically which can facilitate cross-domain discussions.
Keywords: Mechatronics, Dependency Modeling, Design Of Mechatronics