DS 48: Proceedings DESIGN 2008, the 10th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Year: 2008
Editor: Marjanovic D., Storga M., Pavkovic N., Bojcetic N.
Author: Weber, C.
Section: Researching of designs and design methods
Page(s): 69 - 80
Engineering Design Theory and Methodology is often criticised as being too general, too broad, too rigid/inflexible, too time-consuming for industrial practice. Not all of the criticism is justified, but the basic message must be taken serious. The aim of this paper is to introduce a novel approach of how to transform a “general” Design Theory and Methodology into an application-specific methodology for a particular branch of industry or even company. Base is the author’s general approach of Characteristics-Properties Modelling (CPM) and Property-Driven Development (PDD). The concept is then illustrated by a small example and conclusions are drawn.
Keywords: engineering design science, theory and methodology, application-oriented specialisation