DS 48: Proceedings DESIGN 2008, the 10th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Year: 2008
Editor: Marjanovic D., Storga M., Pavkovic N., Bojcetic N.
Author: Gerhardt, F. J.; Eigner, M.
Section: Advanced design methods
Page(s): 619 - 626
In times of ever increasing mechatronical product complexity, development requires early knowledge gain. We present the concept of a dy¬namically growing Digital Mock-Up (DMU), based on the Jupiter Tes¬sel-lation (JT) data format and integrated into the early phases of product development. While our so-called Dynamic DMU is to serve as a basis for a multi-disci¬plinary analysis based on a cross-do¬main description, our focus lies on an architectural point of view, and on JT as the underlying tech¬nology to manage continuously evolving geometry.
Keywords: digital mock-up, DMU, conceptual CAE, simulation