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Query returned 11805 results.
Training well-equipped design-ready Engineering Professionals
Pop-Iliev, R.; Plantanitis, G. // 2007
Transfer of Crew Ressource Management Training Into Product Design
Geis, Christian; Schuster, Ilona; Bierhals, Reimer; Badke-Schaub, Petra; Birkhofer, Herbert // 2007
Transferring new knowledge from the field of neuroscience to product design education
Ferraris, S. // 2007
Transformation Model for Small and Medium Enterprises Product Development Process
Gusberti, Tomoe; Paula, Istefani; Echeveste, M?rcia // 2007
Transformation Systems - Revisited
Eder, W. Ernst; Hosnedl, Stanislav // 2007
Transforming of Technical Findings for a Better Development of Branched Sheet Metal Products
Hirsch, Nils; Günther, U.; Birkhofer, Herbert // 2007
Translating ideas into marketable products: Educating and shaping the future product designers
Tan, J.; Connor, C.; Fleming, B. // 2007
Tug Together - Supportive Tool for Distributed Design Teams
Lauer, Wolfgang; Nißl, Alexandra; Braedt, Henrik; Lindemann, Udo // 2007
Tying both ends: a case study of successful comprehensive design collaboration
Coker, R.; Coker, J. // 2007
Uncertainty Management in Innovative Product Design
Daniel, Pierre; Dangoumau, Nathalie; Bigand, Michel // 2007
Understanding and Representing Functions for Conceptual Design
Yong, Chen; Lin, Zhongqin; Feng, Peien; Xie, Youbai // 2007
Understanding Design Process Robustness: a Modelling Approach
Chalupnik, Marek J.; Wynn, David C.; Eckert, Claudia M.; Clarkson, P. John // 2007
Understanding Patterns of Interaction Between Designers During Design Process
Vijaykumar, Gokula A.V.; Chakrabarti, Amaresh // 2007
Understanding Search in Design
Sarkar, Prabir; Chakrabarti, Amaresh // 2007
Unsupervised Bayesian Models to Carry out Perceptual Evaluation in a Design Process
Ben Ahmed, Walid; Yannou, Bernard // 2007
Usage of Ontologies and Software Agents for Knowledge-Based Design of Mechatronic Systems
Weld, Ewald G.; Labenda, Patrick; Bludau, Christian // 2007
Use Of DFE Methodologies and Tools - Major Barriers and Challenges
Kota, Srinivas; Chakrabarti, Amaresh // 2007
Use of Estimation as a Method in Early Phases of Product Development
Bischof, A.; Adolphy, S.; Blessing, L. // 2007
Use of Parametric Modelling to Understand the Functional Requirements for a Reconfigurable Packaging System
Daniel, Jonathan; Medland, Anthony J.; Mullineux, Glen // 2007
Use of Shape Preference Information in Product Design
Kelly,Jarod; Papalambros, Panos Y. // 2007
Use of Tools, Methods and Techniques During the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation: Their Impact on Innovation Performance - An Exploratory Study of Companies in the Basque Country-
Val-Jauregi, Ester; Justel, Daniel // 2007
Use of Wikis as An Engineering Collaborative Tool
Weerasinghe, Janaka S.; Salustri, Filippo A. // 2007
User participation - real influence or hostage-taking?
Nielsen, L.; Digranes, I. // 2007
User Profile Differences in SemanticDesign. Application to Hand Tools
Vergara, Margarita; Mondragón, Salvador; Sancho-Bru, Joaquín Luis; Company, Pedro; Pérez-González, Antonio // 2007
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.
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