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Query returned 11805 results.
A Designer's understanding of the maker movement
von Platen, Vilhelm;Kitani, Yoji // 2023
The maker movement has garnered interest from many disparate fields, from engineering to business management, to behavioural science, to city planning. The reason for this interest no doubt stems ...
A DFAM Framework for the Design of Compliant Structures
Air, Alan (1,2);Wodehouse, Andrew (1) // 2023
Additive manufacturing methods present prospects for designed mechanical deformation via the integration of controlled anisotropic lattice structure forms. Their assimilation into a Design for ...
A Digital Twin Business Modelling Approach
Trauer, Jakob; Mac, Duc Phat; Mörtl, Markus; Zimmermann, Markus // 2023
Digital Twins are one of the most trending topics. However, there are still open issues in the development of Digital Twins. One of these impediments is formulating a clear and valid value ...
Blaasvlaer, Linda; Gulden, Tore // 2023
A typical approach when designing for social service functioning in European and Norwegian contexts is to emphasize on what does not function. That is, one does not ask for reasons for conforming or ...
A drawing education programme focusing on enhancing abstraction ability
Yagisawa, Masaki;Iijima, Junichi // 2023
This study considers the 'three sub-abilities' that constitute the abstraction ability and focuses on drawing as an education for acquiring them. Focusing on the similarity between the process of ...
A dynamic approach for life cycle assessment. The case of domestic refrigerators.
Cappelletti, Federica;Rossi, Marta;Germani, Michele // 2023
The Life Cycle Assessment is a well-stated methodology whose application has recently spread over a multitude of sectors. Thus the need for very accurate and reliable analysis. The present work ...
A follow-up on the methodical framework for the identification, analysis and consideration of uncertainty in the context of the integration of sensory functions by means of sensing machine elements
Welzbacher, Peter;Geipl, Anja;Kraus, Benjamin;Puchtler, Steffen;Kirchner, Eckhard // 2023
When integrating sensing machine elements for in-situ measurements in technical systems, special attention must be paid to uncertainty to ensure the reliability of the provided information. ...
A Framework for Analysis and Design of Dynamic Ad Hoc Socio-Technical Systems
Tozik, Sergey;Reich, Yoram // 2023
Ad-hoc systems are socio-technical systems emerging in response to dynamic problematic situations. These systems form when situation systems interact with respondent systems organized by human agents ...
A Framework for Smart Experience Design based on Zero-Party Customer Experience Data
Kim, Yong Se // 2023
Data about customer experiences would be critical in smart product-service systems. Research is desired on how to establish a framework for Smart Experience Design based on customer experience data ...
A framework for understanding mental imagery in design cognition research
Macfie, Rebecca Louise;Hay, Laura Anne;Rodgers, Paul // 2023
Mental imagery is the experience of perceiving an object within one’s own mind and is a subjective experience, leading to difficulties in the research and understanding of the phenomenon. This paper ...
A Framework model for facilitating Do-It-Yourself Design
Hoftijzer, JanWillem;Keyson, David // 2023
Today’s global context of mass-produced items has resulted in an increasing ‘distance’, or alienation, between people and the origins of the items they buy and use: an unhealthy human-product ...
A hierarchical exploration of how design margins enable adaptability
Jacobson, Lindsey;
Ferguson, Scott // 2023
Our society is built on engineered systems. Engineers are becoming increasingly concerned with the sustainability of systems, particularly their ability to adapt to a changing world. Recently, there ...
A Hierarchical Machine Learning Workflow for Object Detection of Engineering Components
Kent, Lee;
Snider, Chris;
Gopsill, James;
Goudswaard, Mark;
Kukreja, Aman;
Hick, Ben // 2023
Machine Learning (ML) techniques are showing increasing use and value in the engineering sector. Object Detection methods, by which an ML system identifies objects from an image presented to it, have ...
A Kansei-Engineering-based active learning module for familiarizing middle-school students with basics of product design
Papantonopoulos, Sotiris // 2023
The paper proposes a methodology for developing an active learning module adapted from the Kansei Engineering methodology that intends to engage and familiarize middle school students with basics of ...
A Knowledge Graph and Rule based Reasoning Method for Extracting SAPPhIRE Information from Text
Bhattacharya, Kausik;
Chakrabarti, Amaresh // 2023
Representation of design information using causal ontologies is very effective for creative ideation in product design. Hence researchers created databases with models of engineering and biological ...
A knowledge-based ideation approach for bio-inspired design
Chen, Liuqing (1,2);
Cai, Zebin (1);
Jiang, Zhaojun (3);
Long, Qi (4);
Sun, Lingyun (1,2);
Childs, Peter (5);
Zuo, Haoyu (5) // 2023
Bio-inspired design (BID) involves generating innovative ideas for engineering design by drawing inspiration from natural biological phenomena and systems, using a form of design-by-analogy. Despite ...
A Method for Prescribing Psychological Ownership: A Project Handover Case Study
Cedeno, Michelle Rose (1);
Baxter, Weston (1);
Porat, Tayla (1);
Peck, Joann (2) // 2023
Among the topics of psychological ownership (PO) within current literature, a significant gap exists in understanding PO within a prescriptive lens. This study will examine how instigating the PO ...
A Method for Reducing Fuzziness and Accelerating New Product Modelling in CAD : the case of Design for Manufacturing
Bluntzer, Jean-Bernard;Barret, Régis; Ostrosi, Egon // 2023
Improvements in product development can increase the competitiveness of firms. However, new product development in CAD systems involves difficulties and uncertainties that increase along with the ...
A method to capture and share production requirements supporting a collaborative production preparation process
Areth Koroth, Rohith;Elgh, Fredrik;Lennartsson, Martin;Raudberget, Dag // 2023
The production preparation process (3P) enables collaboration between design and production engineers during product development but its efficiency is limited by the abundance of documentation of ...
A Method to Support the Improvement of Knowledge Transfers in Product and Production Engineering
Albers, Albert;
Klippert, Monika;
von Klitzing, Moritz;
Rapp, Simon // 2023
The product engineering process as part of the product life cycle includes product and production system development as well as production. In integrated product and production engineering (PPE), ...
Garcia Martinez, Mariano // 2023
Although handicrafts are recognized nationally and internationally as part of the identity and popular culture of Mexico, artisan producers, due to their condition of economic, educational, and ...
A multi-criteria decision-making approach to optimize the part build orientation in additive manufacturing
Sartini, Mikhailo (1);Luca, Manuguerra (1);Claudio, Favi (2);Marco, Mandolini (1) // 2023
The part build orientation is a manufacturing variable that must be considered when designing a product to maximise AM opportunities. There are several approaches to selecting the best print ...
A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of the Current State of Research into Globally Distributed Product Development
Simon J. Nicklas, Marvin Michalides, Emir Gadzo, Alexander Koch // 2023
This contribution aims to investigate the challenges and potential solutions associated with the globally distributed development of complex products (GDPD). The research focuses on three key ...
A multi-objective decision-making approach to support the design of social innovations in the Energy sector
Samir, Basma;
Abi Akle, Audrey;
Lizarralde, Iban // 2023
Social innovations in the energy sector (SIE) are essential for accelerating the transition to clean, renewable, and democratic energy while encouraging citizens' involvement. However, SIE lacks ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.
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