How to start and run a SIG
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) address specific topics for a limited time. SIGs have to act in the interest of the Design Society as a whole and must follow a set of rules.
Any member of the Design Society may propose the formation of a SIG to the Board of Management at any time. Proposers are requested to use the appropriate application form. The formation of a new SIG within the Design Society requires a formal confirmation by the Board of Management and is established with a written agenda agreement between the Design Society and the SIG, represented by its leaders.
The Design Society requires all SIGs to submit an annual report for review by the Board of Management. Based on the reports submitted, the Board of Management will review each SIG annually and decide about its continuation, modification or termination. The review process will take place at the “Rigi” meeting of the Board of Management in March each year.
Below (when logged-in as a DS member), rules and guidelines for starting and running a SIG are provided. Please read this information carefully. In addition, forms for applying for a new SIG and for the annual reporting of existing SIGs are provided.